CVAN London is a research-led, sector support and advocacy network that represents arts professionals, art galleries, arts organisations, studios and art schools across London boroughs. As one of the nine national CVAN regions, London is the newest, born-digital network. Find out more about CVAN London

Latest News & Events


  • Education


    As a network of artists, galleries, studios, producers, art schools and partners, we work collaboratively towards achieving inclusive and equitable arts education for all.

  • Sustainability


    We work in partnership and collaboration to develop ways to adapt to climate change and its impacts, reduce our carbon footprint and develop a sustainable visual arts sector for artists, arts workers, audiences and arts organisations.

  • Equality


    We support the institutional and sector development of anti-racist and equitable practice. As a visual arts network we work together to co-produce meaningful and proactive responses to bring about change.
