CVAN London has been awarded Project Grant funds to deliver its 2024 programme. The funds from Arts Council England will support network activity, its programme of Sustainability, Equality and Education and the new Data Matters series.
In these challenging times, we greatly appreciate our funding and value the continued support of Arts Council England in order that we may continue our work. We have achieved this success with the generous support of our amazing members, our inspiring Steering Group, valued partners and collaborators. Special thanks to those who provided additional support for this programme, and to CVAN national and our regional colleagues.
We warmly invite artists, arts workers and arts organisations to come and join our network, programme and events.
The London’s Contemporary Visual Arts Network (CVAN London) is a voice for the visual arts across the city, it is a free-to-access advocacy & sector support organisation and works collaboratively with artists, arts workers and arts organisations to co-create a Fair and Equitable sector.
#arebyte #ActionSpace #CVAN #BethlemGallery #MosaicRooms #UCL CAVE (Controlled Active Ventilation Environment Laboratory) #UCL Department of Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering #RosettaArts #JackTan #MetrolandCultures #MetrolandStudios #ArtsCouncilEngland