International Curators Forum

International Curators Forum (ICF) was founded by artists and curators in 2007 to offer a programme of commissions, exhibitions, projects, publications and events that respond to the material conditions and cultural contexts impacting creative practitioners today. ICF provides tools and platforms for professional development and facilitate an open peer-to-peer network inviting participants to be part of a generative ecology of skills and knowledge sharing. Across all of their work, both critically and practically, ICF are committed to challenging the barriers to equality and inclusivity within our industry. Through all aspects of their programme ICF engages with the concept of diaspora as a critical framework through which we can address and complicate notions of identity, test and explore new innovative curatorial models, and create space for artistic and discursive interventions into historical narratives and systems of representation. Based in London, ICF has conceived and produced projects with artists, curators and thinkers who engage with diaspora across the UK, Europe, the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East and Australia.

Some people in an art gallery, hacving a discussion rather than looking at artwork.